Right here right now the new Acronis Cyber Platform was announced today from a resurgent Acronis. The platform solution is opening Application Programming Interfaces (API) plus a Software Development Kits (SDK) to developers and other stakeholders.

Our popular MSP Makeover contest has concluded and the winner is Dan Foote of DanTech in Alaska! Foote is a long-time managed services provider (MSP) and community member. He regularly attends community conferences

One last look back at the recent Ingram Cloud X conference concerns the Comet competition and the startup row on the tradeshow floor. Here are three geeky favorites you need to know about!

I’ve darn near met my match when it comes to Axcient in the reinvent/transformation category. In this interview with Jeff Cummings at Ingram Cloud X, the new Chief Revenue Officer for Denver-based Axcient connects a few dots.

Forever and a day I’ve preaching the good word about having a completely updated LinkedIn profile serve as your master resume. Now for some really good news – LinkedIn has a new feature where it literally does this for you!

It’s just a simple few steps as listed below in Figure 1. Go ahead and do it now and then return for a few thoughts.

Looking for some interesting spring geek reading? Several books are suggested here for SMB Nation members to consider. More importantly, the explicit act of reading and the power it brings you are reviewed in this Tech Tuesday show on Northwest Digital News (NDN).

If we’re anything at SMB Nation, we’re chippy! So it was a high honor and privilege to discover Pickit, a Microsoft 365/Office 365 gap filler ISV with attitude. It’s delivering a purpose built add-in that we

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