Security expert Josh Freifield from Southern California shares his passion on two topics: security and community. He’s recently joined Microsoft 365 Nation as a contributor. His managed services provider (MSP) firm focuses on security at the enterprise-level and small-and-medium business (SMB).
Geek Speak
Ohlhorst: Education is the Key to Success in Tech!
This month, contributor Frank Ohlhorst brings value by discussing how revamped industry certifications are again adding value for stakeholders. He touches on Cisco, CompTIA and even Microsoft revamped “MCSE” and successor certifications. The
Hurley: Soccer, Solutions and Global Partner Types
We caught a busy Pat Hurley, VP and GM at Acronis, who claims the Americans beat the Europeans in an early morning soccer match. Hurley declares “backup is dead” and Hurley wants to have partners think of a complete Acronis solution, not
Sid Herron speaks about security
Long-time MSP and technology professional in the Seattle-region, Sid Herron offers comments on why security matters. He is an expert in VDI and remote/virtual desktop computing. When Herron speaks, people listen and so should you!
MickyJ White Hat Security Topics
IT Pro Michael Jenkin shares top insights concerning security in a 365 world. Trends include malware trends included target phishing. Jenkin shares this is 100% targeting knowing things only you would know like your favorite wine (hint: your Facebook posts tell all to hackers).
Grebennikoff: MFA on November 5, 2019
I’m attending the Acronis Global Cyber Summit, and I received a ping from SMB Nation member Brian J. Weiss. He asked why doesn’t the Acronis solution set have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in the product
Hendrickson: The Education Debate – Certification v. Grad School
This month, Lisa Hendrickson (CallThatGirl) provides an update on her reinvention journey. In a prior segment, we spoke with Lisa about life changes as she returned to her home region to attend graduate school and put