Cool Tool Alert: LinkedIn Profile PDF as your CV

Geek Speak

Forever and a day I’ve preaching the good word about having a completely updated LinkedIn profile serve as your master resume. Now for some really good news – LinkedIn has a new feature where it literally does this for you!

It’s just a simple few steps as listed below in Figure 1. Go ahead and do it now and then return for a few thoughts.

linkedin profile PDF

Figure 1: Resume PDF procedure in LinkedIn.

When I did this for myself, I noticed that the PDF format is acceptable. However, it does truncate a few accomplishments, such as listing only five of the 20+ books I have written. I’m sure its doing it for brevity. I also noticed that I needed to update my business address (somehow LinkedIn was still using an old office address from five years ago). So this is an excellent opportunity to both see yourself as others see you and to have a simple but elegant resume to circulate. Below in Figure 2, you can see the end result - I am personally satisfied with this given its free and easy! 

harryb resume peek