We teamed with Kevin Hunter from Northwest Digital News (NDN) to cover the recent Interface Seattle technology event. This conference focuses on IT Pro and customers seeking solutions.

If it’s early January, it’s the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). And we’re reporting on top gizmos and gadgets that stand out amongst the 4,000 vendors and over 180,000 attendees.

If you have participated in SMB Nation for any length of time, hopefully you’ll know that we ascribe to an abundance philosophy that is DNA-driven and impacts everything we do. It’s a big blue ocean and there is happyholidaysenough for everyone to harvest.

A tertiary motion in the SMB Nation and managed services provider (MSP) community is to give back. And given this is the season of giving, the December 3-9, 2018 “Hour of Code” week presents the perfect opportunity.

The idea is simple. As a technology professional, you can organize an event to teach younger people how to create “something” via coding within one hour.

A long-time SMB Nation member Brian Keith from Bend Oregon updates the community on his current world from carrying the bag as an MSP to evolving to a consultant for Philips with a focus on health care technology. Throw in off color comments on how we me when I taught at Central Washington University and Brian was my student (shades of early Windows NT Advanced Server running on a 386 box).

As we turn towards celebrating the holiday season, it’s time to think of giving – geek style. On Tech Tuesday, a collaboration of Northwest Digital News (NDN) and SMB Nation, we compiled a short list of geek gifts that your can give to your favorite geek (and maybe self gift too!).

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