A new twist on security conversations with these topics. Cryptojacking (also called malicious cryptomining) is an emerging online threat that hides on a computer or mobile device and uses the machine’s resources to “mine” forms of online money known as cryptocurrencies.
Geek Speak
Liberman - Be an MVP MSP via MDF
Joshua Liberman from New Mexico shares one of the secrets to his success: investing forward into his relationships with technology vendors. Specially the use of Market Development funds (MDF) aka “making do funds” (a phrase Liberman
Fields – Our Most Technical Contributor is on the LOOSE!
We review enhancements to the standard Office 365 proper SKUs don’t easily reveal (and in some cases you need to purchase. Starting with Advanced Threat Protection, we move to discuss safe links, safe attachments and anti-phish policies.
Success Computer Secret to Success – Community Book 4 U
This segment is a doozie – and there’s a free Microsoft 365 book on the other end of this video. Author Alex Fields, Success Computer Consulting, has written an amazingly technical book titled “Microsoft 365 Business Admin Guide” that we quickly do an overview of parts of the book (with this month’s contribution – future months will be a deep dive).
Bug Free Computing with Ken Dwight
Did you know that Microsoft 365 Nation contributor Ken Dwight is a published author? Dwight wrote a book (“Bug-Free Computing”) a decade ago that still has legs.
Mid-town Mr. Brown on SECURITY that MATTERS!
No SolarWinds Empower conference is complete without touching all the bases and that includes a security talk with Tim Brown, VP of Security, SolarWinds MSP. While a fellow geek, Brown is also something of a well-spoken character and has a way of
I want to HEAR from YOU!
As part of our journey around the SolarWinds Empower conference in Atlanta, we cornered Mav Turner who recently came from the mothership SolarWinds over to SolarWinds MSP. He takes a moment to lay out the organization structure and speak toward his ten-year SolarWinds career