If its Fall, it’s time for SpiceWorld in Austin TX, the annual confab hosted by Spiceworks. And its time to check in with Peter Tsai, the long-time senior technology analyst who is on the team the produces tons of primary research in the tech sector

Rustin Banks lives and breathes the MSP experience all day every day for Washington DC-based DNS Filter. That’s because his entitie(s) are both an ISV and MSP. In this interview we look at current updates on phising sophistication –

The always engaging Microsoft 365 Nation contributor Joshua Liberman is back with a view of the next security frontier(s) you’ll encounter in 2019. First up is internal vulnerability scanning.

We caught up with a busy Ken Dwight before he flew up to an aircraft owner’s convention in Oshkosh, WI. Dwight chatted with us about a variety of topics including malware attacks on mobile phones, IoT device penetration. Bottom line:

Compelling keynote speaker David Robertson directly answers my questions about analytics and dog food. I formulated this line of questioning after he completed his business keynote at GlueX in Scottsdale, AZ. Here is the scoop on his keynote –

Contributor Frank Ohlhorst shares his monthly insights including a recent workflow conference (Workfront Leap) in Dallas that embraces the managed services providers (MSP) community. But then we drop into the good stuff!

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