Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Presented by: Urban Gillis, Vice President, SMB, Jabra and Harry Brelsford, Founder and Chairman, SMB Nation, Inc.
3 Megatrends that are shaping what the future of work will look like… “We just don’t need offices like we used to,” Regus founder and CEO Mark Dixon told me. “It’s an imposition on employees to ask them to drive for fifty miles to an office to use a computer and a phone. They have those where they are.”
Work life is changing. It’s changing in very substantial ways, too. At Jabra we’ve identified three megatrends that are shaping the workplace today, which gives us fair warning of what is ahead. These trends are more than just shifts in technology or current consumer sentiment – they are sweeping changes, brought about by interrelated and complex forces and they will shape the way we work for the foreseeable future.
BONUS: We are giving away a FREE Solemate device.