Author and blogger Karl Palachuk says that right now is a great time to be a technology consultant. The economy may not be on fire, he says, but the recession is definitely over and money is flowing. "There are moments in time when you can FEEL the energy," he says. "Right now you can feel the push and the flow of money into the small business sector. Don't miss out because you did nothing!"
Palachuk is putting on his fourth annual SMB Online Conference June 23-25. The conference focuses on the business processes and procedures you need to be successful going forward. The conference theme is "Time to Thrive." As Palachuk puts it, you survived the last six years: Now it's time to Thrive!
The SMB Online Conference is, of course, 100% online, delivered in webinar format. Attendees access a special page to download slides, handouts, and recordings. In the past, the additional downloads have included audio and video programs as well as worksheets, white papers, and Excel spreadsheets. The emphasis is on providing truly valuable information and training that can be applied immediately.
This year's speakers include some of the top names in the SMB community as well as powerful speakers from other areas. One of the keynote presenters is John Armato, Senior Vice President, Senior Partner, and Creative Strategist for Fleishman-Hillard International Communications - the largest public relations company in the world. Armato's topic is "Made You Look Isn't The Same as Made You Care." Amato has worked with hundreds of clients, including Hallmark, H&R Block, Visa, and E.J. Gallo Winery.
Early bird pricing is in effect right now. All attendance options are available at