It’s Labor Day and I wanted to do a “labor” contribution as part of the holiday weekend.

I’ve used the summer to write about Unified Communications (UC) from a couple different viewpoints. I explored the concept that Managed Services Providers (MSP) should look at the Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) as seeing the ocean (of opportunity through the day-to-day trees of IT infrastructure (read HERE). Then I followed with a piece on MSPs helping clients rejigger business operations by using UC as a tool to accommodate the burgeoning mobile workforce (read HERE). Finally I did a piece on catching your customers at mid-funnel with a robust UCaaS system (read HERE) and leading to robust conversion rates!

cut costs

By: Hayden Field

"Fixed" expenses? That's what they want you to think. Utility bills, cell phone bills, credit card interest rates and the like are often negotiable. 

Apps like Trim and Truebill will negotiate monthly bills on your behalf, but they take a percentage of your savings. If you want to DIY, set a calendar reminder for once a year to call the companies and negotiate better rates.

By: Saun

When I kick-started my carrier as an intern, all I needed was motivation, and nothing used to be as motivating as my project manager patting my back and uttering those three magical words ‘good work mate’.

Think yourself, don’t you feel special when somebody tells you that you have done a great job? Well, don’t you dare deny the fact, because this is what human nature is all about. Humans like to feel valued and special for what they are, and what they do and this feeling is more rewarding than a salary cheque itself.

At the SMB Nation 2004 Fall Conference at the Red Lion in downtown Seattle, two milestones are still spoken about with reverence. First – there was the release of the Swing Migration Kit by Small Business Server (SBS) MVP Jeff Middleton. Second – there was a keynote by the Windows Secrets “king” Brian Livingston. Livingston shared his category killer insights from the first release of Windows forward with the SMB Nation audience. If you were there, you’ll remember well.

Fast forward the movie and it’s time for Livingston 2.0.

Numerous research reports show, and my own personal experience validates, that today’s buying experience dramatically differs from a few short years ago. Forbes reported in “How To Turn B2B Buyers Into Sales Leads” in December 2017 that buyers are “…70% of the way through the decision-making process, conducting digital research” before they ENGAGE with the seller! So that means sellers have to be able to consistently and quickly respond to mid-funnel buyer reach out.

In this Tech Tuesday segment on Northwest Digital News, I discuss IT security, career opportunities and the recently completed CompTIA ChannelCon conference in Washginton DC. With Kevin and Kyle! Enjoy the segment and let me know what you think. 

Here is the offical blub: "If you missed "Tech Tuesday," here's the replay on YouTube with Harry Brelsford, Kevin Hunter, and Kyle Torgerson today. The content was outstanding for any business with interests in data and network security, for network consultants, and anyone with an interest

Lucy Handley

Time Square


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It's the ultimate question for marketers, in a world where chief executives and heads of finance want to see returns on investment and not necessarily softer marketing measurements such as "intention to buy."

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