Harry is joined by Michael Fraser to discuss higher education and its benefits.  Its been one year since Michael graduated with his masters degree, and he explains the pros and cons of higher education and how it has helped him win contracts through the government. 

I want my LinkedIn back!  I’m a traditional LinkedIn fan boy for a number of reasons and have watched it mature in mostly favorable ways since it was acquired by Microsoft and become less of a jobs site and more of a business networking platform.

By: Gary Audin

Meeting face to face is usually much better than a phone call or audio conference. The use of video conferencing provides a face to face conversation. You learn more with video than audio alone. Video has benefits over audio conferencing

By: Gary Audin

Have you ever been in an unproductive collaboration session in which one person dominates, another person lacks confidence and doesn’t speak, and others are tuned out? This can happen during a sales call, to a contact center agent,

The RSPA has done research by speaking with their solution provider members regarding the pandemic and how it is effecting their business.  After extensive exploration they found that successful businesses who are weathering this storm have the following 7 attributes:

I’ve just completed an interview with our contributor Denis Wilson who shared with us reports on a 600% increase (January 2020 – May 2020) in “cloud hacking” by bad actors targeting Office 365, G-suite and such. I was scared straight!

In a new series, we discuss specific “NOW” and “WOW” tactics to allow MSPs to weather the economic storm. This first installment concerns a conversation we had with Brian Slade on our Tech Tuesday show we co-host at Northwest Digital News with Kevin Hunter.

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