My Take: Winter Technology Conferences

Business Speak

The technology conference space focused on small and medium business (SMB) managed services providers (MSP) remains crowded. As one or two shows disappear, a like amount emerges. Such is life

in the SMB MSP community.


Figure 1: Watch Tech Tuesday HERE.

I teamed with my publishing partner, Northwest Digital News (NDN), on our Tech Tuesday segment to layout a handful of conferences that you might consider. I’ll be speaking at ITExpo in Fort Lauderdale, FL end -of-month on Blockchain and Data Protection.

hb itexpo

Fig 2: ITExpo in FLL

I’m covering IBM Think mid-February in San Francisco and also doing a pre-day with Karl Palachuk at the Channel Pro SMB Forum in Atlanta in early March. Finally you’ll find me at Ingram Cloud Summit X in mid-March (San Diego, CA). Whew – 2019 has come in like a lion. Join me live.

And you can join us online with your popular MSP Tech Talk lecture series: compliance, security, women in technology, MSP digital marketing and much more! Discover that HERE!


Fig 3: MSP Tech Talk