MSP Alert: Taking Your Customer’s Customers to Mid-Funnel Via Unified Communications

Business Speak

Numerous research reports show, and my own personal experience validates, that today’s buying experience dramatically differs from a few short years ago. Forbes reported in “How To Turn B2B Buyers Into Sales Leads” in December 2017 that buyers are “…70% of the way through the decision-making process, conducting digital research” before they ENGAGE with the seller! So that means sellers have to be able to consistently and quickly respond to mid-funnel buyer reach out.


And that’s where the customer’s benefit from a rock star (and rock solid) Unified Communications (UC) platform to catch the customer’s inbound inquires. A communication failure means a failed sale. A world class UC system should have the following assets: 

• Phone System/Phone
• Mobile
• Desktop
• Video Conferencing
• Screen Share
• Remote Office Support
• Voicemail
• Presence Indicator
• Fax
• File Collaboration
• File Backup


Figure One: A view of Seattle at Intemedia 

For MSPs Only: UCaaS

Expanding the “as a Service” paradigm to UC, there is a hidden jewel for MSPs to delivery UC as a recurring revenue opportunity: Unified Communications as a Service. The benefits of a contract-based, recurring revenue business model is well understood by MSPs and I won’t repeat that here (you can read more here if need be).
What’s different about the UCaaS opportunity for MSPs is that you can land and expand beyond your traditional data infrastructure practice to include the other half of the equation: voice. I recently did a vid on “seeing the ocean through the trees” here to give you some SMB Nation context. And I wrote a piece here on recasting your traditional MSP practice with UCaaS. Just trying to arm you for bear!

Next Step
My hope and desire would be that you click HERE and discover a unique UCaaS opportunity right-sized for SMB Nation members. Lemme know what you think!