AVG Launches RMM Toolset for MAC Environments

Business Speak

AVG logoAVG Technologies is now offering enhanced support for Apple’s Mac operating system (OS) environments within its AVG Managed Workplace 2013 remote monitoring &

management (RMM) platform. At the same time AVG Managed Workplace becomes the first RMM tool to offer agentless iOS management of Mac OS X devices including iPads and iPhones. The new capabilities will help MSPs offer a greater range of Mobile Device Management (MDM) options to customers wanting professional management of their Mac-only or mixed Windows™/Apple environments and to reduce security issues related to personal mobile devices accessing their business IT infrastructure.

From now on, MSPs using AVG Managed Workplace can monitor and manage Mac OS X devices regardless of whether they are always in the office, only connect occasionally or are even permanently off-network. They can now also remotely lock and/or wipe a lost or stolen Mac OS X device for their customers to protect the confidentiality of company or customer data.

Additionally, AVG Managed Workplace becomes the first of the industry’s leading RMM platforms to offer agentless monitoring and management of iOS mobile devices like iPhones and iPads. Eliminating the need to install agent software on the endpoint in this way allows MSPs to bring these devices under management in a few clicks. As with earlier releases of AVG Managed Workplace, MSPs have a centralized view of all mobile devices under management in the Service Center.