by Jeremy Bradley

AccountingSmall businesses often do not have the luxury of a separate accounting office; the accounting and finance functions are typically handled by the business owner or by the general manager. Nonetheless, some best practices for accounting procedures in small offices are worth knowing. These best practices provide guidelines on keeping your financial house in order.

10 laws of Social Media Marketing



Leveraging the power of content and social media marketing can help elevate your audience and customer base in a dramatic way. But getting started without any previous experience or insight could be challenging.

It's vital that you understand social media marketing fundamentals. From maximizing quality to increasing your online entry points, abiding by these 10 laws will help build a foundation that will serve your customers, your brand and -- perhaps most importantly -- your bottom line.

Rob Trice, Contributor


Internet of FoodIn preparation for the Inaugural IC-FOODS conference, which will take place November 7-9 at UC Davis, The Mixing Bowl’s Rob Trice and Krista Holobar talked with Matthew Lange, the Principal Investigator of IC3-FOODS, about the Internet of Food and why we need it. Dr. Lange,


Richard Branson’s story is the one that’s been told several times. It’s a tale worth fawning over; a rags-to-riches tale that gives many hope as they try and develop their own flagship brand.

The biggest reason for Richard Branson’s success is because of customer service. B2C companies, like Virgin America Richard Bransonand Virgin Records are the most famous companies of all.

Your company's goals will only be effective if you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve--and how.

By Peter Vanden Bos

Business GoalsA smart CEO understands the inherent value of goal setting in steering a growing business in the right direction. Unfortunately, figuring out exactly what the right direction is—and the road map to get there—isn't as much of a no-brainer.

According to recent evaluation by Department of labor, the average tenure of a U.S. employee is less than two years – a short 18 months!  There are numerous reasons why individuals change jobs. Nowadays, it is rare for someone to get a job and stay with it for the rest of their life.

There is much to talk about when it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) in the Food industry. There are several emerging Food Startups that have adapted IoF and have integrated it into their business processes. The trend of Internet of Food (IoF) is enormous, as business are experiencing major difference after adapting these technologies. Let’s look at two startups who are embracing IoT and bringing them into the food industry.

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