In this era of click bait headlines, this one is true both geographically and business-wise. Long time SMB Nation member Jamison West is undergoing a life reset. He has recently completed the transition from his MSP practice (which was acquired by Aldridge just over a year ago that I wrote about HERE.

West and family looked in the mirror

Mike Kappel, Contributor

Passion for Business

Passion is important in business. All small business owners need passion for their work if the business is going to succeed. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 30 years, and I’ve created several successful businesses. How did I become successful? The number one thing that drove my business success was passion.

Former Amazon executive John Rossman shares his checklist for developing an internet of things strategy for your organization.


internet of things iot ts 100709714 large

By Thor Olavsrud | Follow
Senior Writer, CIO | FEB 20, 2017 6:53 AM PT

The internet of things (IoT) may present the biggest opportunity to enterprises since the dawn of the internet age, and perhaps it will be bigger.

By: Ryan Matthew

Common Tech Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Can Be Avoided with Consultants

Running a small business poses many different obstacles that you must overcome. It is important for small businesses to address these issues before they become major hurdles to the progression of your company.

by Judith Lindenberger

How do you write an employee handbook for your small business? What do you need to put in it? Whether you're writing your first employee manual or you're updating one you've had for a while, this article explains the topics you should cover.

handbookEmployee handbooks should be designed to do more than just communicate information and answer routine questions; your handbook should help you achieve your organizational goals and objectives.

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