For more than a decade, the IAITAM Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE) has served as the premier event in IT Asset Management. This year’s IAITAM event will be held May 19th and 20th online and is focused on taking your IT Asset to the next level. Through this strictly educational conference, you will not only walk away with nuggets of information you can use right away,
Ghost Policy stopping Windows Updates
Josh Weiss joins us to share his experiences with Ghost Policy. About two months ago Josh installed some Intune files that set up a bunch of baseline policies, that included it’s app locker policy (a Software Restriction Policy). After realizing this was to much for his company he deleted it from his tenant. He then spent two months trying to figure out why he couldn't install any software
On February 4, 2021, House and Senate Democrats introduced the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act of 2021. This is followed by an earlier version of the PRO Act that passed in February of 2020. If this act passed it would be the most significant labor law reform in the United States since the World War II-
Agent Fatigue
We almost hear daily about data breaches that expose sensitive information about businesses and people. These breaches and attacks are costing companies not only a lot of money, but time and their reputations. In attempt to win against these cyber attacks many companies are using layers of security and remote management to access their information.
Looking to Grow, and Looking to Grow Fast
Businesses are always looking for ways to improve, whether it is implementing new technology’s, offering new products, or streamlining procedures. In the current economic state a lot of MSPs and a lot of tech companies and shops, are looking to grow,
Remote Work, Hybrid, or Back to the Office?
The past year has been a whirlwind of changes not only for organizations and businesses, but for life in general. With all of the changes that have gone on we have seen organizations mature, build amazing resilience, and come to grips with this new reality that people can actually be more productive from home. With the last year as a testing ground many companies have announced plans for post pandemic work life.
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is one of those industry buzzwords that has gotten tossed around like crazy. Throughout the industry, vendors all talk about digital transformation as a piece of hardware, a change of the way that you do your bandwidth, or a piece of software, when in actuality digital transformation is so much more.