With the oil and gas industry being the largest component of Alaska’s economy, Alaska has had to look at how they will be effected with the transition to renewable energy. As renewable energy becomes more more competitive and fossil fuel becomes less necessary many Alaskans are already making the transition to adapt to technology by using its experience,
Harry’s Q4 Predictions
Harry here in the zoom town of Crested Butte, Colorado, and I wanted to make a few quick fourth quarter predictions. The year has gone awfully quick, I hope you're feeling the same way. It's already q4 2021. And I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm predicting, we are going to have some real supply chain issues more than we've experienced in the past because of the pandemic.
What will Conferences Look Like
Conferences use to be a place for individuals to come together to exchange ideas, network, and do business in person, however with the Covid-19 pandemic we have seen the conference industry shift. From in person events to online, and back to in person we have seen conference transform to comply with the ever changing world around it.
The Channel Has Changed: Is Your Marketing Caught Up?
When we look back over the years there have been many changes to technology and the IT channel. From break/fix to cloud computing, and in between the industry has seen some vast changes. With all of these changes many MSPs have had to evolve all parts of their business from operations, to sales, and even marketing.
Q3 SMB Analyst Report
As we wrap up Q3 and head into Q4 2021 the SMB space has shown some major changes as well as some uptick. Harry shares with us his Q3 analyst report with some insight to what happened in Q3.
National Society of IT Service Providers
Legislation and regulations are consistently changing. With IT being a hot topic, many believe that regulation and legislation are coming to the MSP community. Rayanne Buchianico has joined forces with Karl Palachuk and many other IT professionals, to get involved and influence legislators to transform the industry into a profession.
Events are Back
One thing that many of us learned during the pandemic is that human beings are social and need interaction with others. Despite the quick pivot of doing business, and life virtually, many people are anxious to get back in the saddle of in-person meetings and conferences.