Managed Services Providers (MSPs) are hyper focused on generating new sources of revenue to generate badly needed cash to survive the current economic correction. In part one of this series on Third Party Maintenance (TPM), we painted the
Data and Analytics in Today’s Pandemic
Frank Ohlhorst and Harry Brelsford revisit the analytics conversation. They tie the conversation to the current economic status and pandemic taking place. When you couple data and analytics you can come to the conclusion on where to drive your business helping to build big profits.
Tech Tuesday – One Million Smiles Update!
Peeps will recall that we’ve taken a leadership position in driving the One Million Smiles campaign to send cheerful greeting cards to senior citizens who are locked down in assisted living centers and nursing homes.
How to be an MSSP
Alex Fields is at it again, working on an educational piece on How to be an MSSP. Alex has found that most MSPs are not up to date on information security and keeping their clients protected. In these times you can’t rely on your antivirus software but instead need to do a better job of understanding the information
I Love Data
Phelim Rowe joins Harry Brelsford to explore privacy with Data. Phelim explores GDPR and the California privacy act and how it affects your data. He then goes onto to talk about why companies collect certain information
State of the Union on Events
Join Harry Brelsford and Phelim Rowe for a morning cup of coffee and discussion on the current state of the event industry. Phelim noticed that people are currently thirsting for education, and are willing to attend virtual events as long as the content
The New PPP for MSPs: TPM (Part One)
With the second half of 2020 coming into focus, we need to have a talk about your Managed Services Provider (MSP) business model. The original “Payroll Protection Program” funds that many MSPs received in the second quarter of 2020 are starting to run out and it’s time to talk about what’s next.
I’m suggesting we think about a well-established revenue generating opportunity known as Third Party Maintenance (TPM).