Small Businesses Are The Real MVPs Of Analytics And BI Growth

Analytics/ Analysis

 smbs driving analytics growth

Louis Columbus , CONTRIBUTOR

Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) spend more on software subscription services and new software, while large enterprises spend more on maintenance and consulting.

  • BI initiatives in small & medium enterprises are most likely to be driven by sales and marketing.
  • SMEs with up to 100 employees are the most aggressive of all businesses in their plans for analytics and BI adoption in the 12, 24 and 36-month timeframes.
  • SMEs with up to 100 employees are also nearly 3X more likely as large enterprises to report the highest rates of BI adoption

Dresner Advisory Services recently published the 2017 Small and Mid-Sized Enterprise Business Intelligence Market Study, part of the Wisdom of Crowds® series of research and the 5th annual edition of the study. Dresner Advisory Services defines a small enterprise as an organization with between one and 100 employees; mid-size enterprises have between 101 and 1,000 employees, and large enterprises have more than 1,000 employees. For additional details on the methodology, please see the study. Operations and Management are the greatest Business Intelligence (BI) drivers in organizations of any size as their focus is on improving operational efficiency. Small and mid-size enterprises are more likely to be driven by sales and marketing business roles. The smaller the company, the higher the priority for growing revenues and finding increased competitive advantages using analytics and BI.

Key takeaways from the study include the following:

  • In 2017, SMEs are driving the highest levels of cloud computing adoption, while concentrating on reporting and dashboards to improve marketing and sales decisions. Large enterprises are prioritizing data governance, location intelligence, and enterprise planning to improve operational efficiency often on a global scale. Interest in big data transcends all sizes of organizations included in the study.

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