In March of 2020 millions of Americans hurried and packed their desks to set up at home, thinking they would head back to the office in a few weeks. As the pandemic stretched into month and even a year, we are just starting to see talks about returning to the office.
Geek Speak
Hafnium Attacks
Earlier this year Microsoft released a number of patches affecting on-premise instillations of Exchange servers, which was actively being exploited by Hafnium. Hafnium is a newly identified group that is believed to be responsible for not only this attack, but also other attacks on internet facing servers.
Heads Up! Top 10 Cybersecurity Best Practices for MSPs serving SMBs!
Everyone can benefit from reviewing and embracing best practices in cybersecurity no matter what the season or the reason. Whether you like it or not, all Managed Services Providers (MSP) are in the cybersecurity business! So here are some best practices presented as an at-a-glance table that you can print out
Cloud or On-Prem
With the large number of on premise exchange (exchange being the server that runs email for corporations), there was a significant vulnerability discovered earlier this year regarding security. With further investigation it was found that in a lot of Exchange Servers have in fact been hacked, or breacedh in some
How to Listen Better on Calls
Being a good listener can help you in every aspect of your life from family and friends, to colleagues at work. Although, many people feel communication through the phone is a thing of the past with all of electronic communication we use, it is actually one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of
Hybrid, WFH, or Back to the Office
The days of reporting to the office may be a thing of the past, even after the pandemic is over. With many workers currently juggling working from home, and or a hybrid of split time, many workers will not be returning to the office full time. With this new model comes new expectations, and potentially new contracts for some employees reducing salaries and or pay based on the cost of living.
Crisis Averted
In a crisis, many businesses are left in a lurch, wondering how to move forward, and how to efficiently communicate with customers. With the Covid 19 pandemic many organizations no matter the size felt these struggles. Although most leaders know that communication is crucial, many where left wondering what is next.