There are two known options to dealing with malware and viruses; to clean or wipe and restore. It must be acknowledged that the main difference between the two has to do with convenience. Many argue that wipe and restore is the most effective way of dealing with viruses and malware, but to clean is equally

effective and comes with certain advantages. For Small and Medium-Size Businesses (SMB) or Managed Service Providers (MSP) who are into the business of troubleshooting computers for a fee, it is very important to weigh the convenience each of the two methods bring to you and your clients.

If you are in the market to buy a new phone, then you might be having a hard time deciding on Android or iOS.

If you used only one platform in the whole experience of your smart phone life and never got the chance to use the other, then it’s obvious that you don’t know much about the other.

by Jillian Stampher on January 26, 2017 at 8:41 am

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(jmiks/ via Pew Research Center)

Even after being hacked, most Americans fail to properly protect their personal information online, finds a Pew Research Center study published Thursday.

Pew surveyed more than 1,000 American adults last year to determine their perception of cyber security and what measures they take to keep their online information safe. According to the study, most are failing to use best cyber security practices in their personal lives.

Steve Weisman, Special for USA TODAY

635981605803254358 ThinkstockPhotos 492800537I first warned you about the dangers of ransomware in early 2015,   and its increased use was one of my cybersecurity predictions for 2016.

Unfortunately, that prediction has come true, and my motto of, “Things aren’t as bad as you think — they are far worse,” has proven accurate. In fact, the FBI has recently warned that ransomware attacks

Ransom + ware = Ransomware (for newbies to the term) is a malicious software which hijacks your computer until a ransom has been paid. A ransomware attack typically denies access to one’s own computer.

Plus the four steps to make your habit work for you.

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Lewis SchiffLewis Schiff
Author, Executive Director The Business Owners Council, co-founder of BEN Global Mentorship

September 28, 2016

 It was during a team-building exercise many years ago that I first discovered a talent I had no idea I possessed. The exercise itself was pretty run-of-the-mill -- name one special skill or talent for each person in the room. I certainly wasn’t expecting to hear anything life-changing, but I was taken aback when multiple people told me that I was very good at asking questions.

Internet of Things (IoT) is already impacting working and living environments with exciting trends. It has come a long way and 2017 looks promising for tweaked and heightened possibilities. Technology continues to make mass production cheaper, almost every electronic device is built to be wi-fi ready and close to half of the world’s population now have access to the internet, compared to just 20% in 2007.

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