Hear Ye! It’s Summer Quarter with MSP Tech Talk

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Continuing our thought leadership momentum, we’re happy to announce a robust line-up of Summer quarter topics for MSPs, Consultants and IT Pros. As is often the case with colleges in the Summer, we’re exploring a range of technology topics that, in some cases, push the comfort zone of technology professionals. And that’s a good thing: critical thinking!
Highlights are in order and you can learn about every complimentary lecture here

July 18: Online Video Marketing: Six Essential Principles of Success (Kevin Hunter)
This is a case of not judging a session by its title. The back story is that Kevin Hunter the THE MAN

when it comes to YouTube. This guy was nailed it. His segments often have several million viewers worldwide. He’ll share much of his magic in this session with respect to making YouTube a social marketing tactic that works. Click here to read the official description. But trust us, don’t miss on one of the best lectures this Summer quarter.

August 1: Online Video Marketing: Six Essential Principles of Success. (Lisa Hendrickson)
Boy howdy – this will be one sassy session. Gotta love Lisa and her colorful language and presentation. Think about it this way. We do business with people we like; you will like Lisa. The humor value is worth the price of admission alone. Learn more here.

August 15: 32 Steps To Securing SMB IT (Joshua Liberman)
One of us – Joshua carries the “MSP Bag” so there is no issue concerning street cred here. He raised his hand recently and said he’d like to enhance a recently published article on this topic and has expanded it here. Learn more here.

The other three topics: Blockchain, Health Care IT (Cannabis) and Legal Pitfalls will be analyzed in the next Harry blog. Of course you can review each course here.

Final facts? This online learning series is complimentary. The presentation time is typically Noon Pacific (12:00 PST, UTC-7) for 90-minutes. See ya’ there!

Thank you for attending and looking forward to having you participate in summer quarter.