Let’s Have Fun – LinkedIn Roast

Geek Speak


For giggles, go to the LinkedinRoastMe site HERE – drop in your LinkedIn profile URL and get ready to laugh. Basically we’re talking about high jinks to take your mind off matters. Here is an example of roast (LOL): “Oh, Juliette, a Business Analyste Métier at Vaudoise Assurances? You must be the life of the party—if the party is filled with spreadsheets and SQL queries! I mean, nothing screams excitement like analyzing insurance claims all day. Your skills in crime analysis must be quite handy when you're trying to figure out who stole the office coffee. And Tableau software?

Wow, you really know how to get your graphs to party harder than you do! Let’s not forget Microsoft Office; I bet you’ve seen more pivot tables than actual people this month. If you’re looking for a thrilling career, maybe consider being a stunt double for boring presentations. Just remember, the only thing more predictable than insurance is your LinkedIn profile!”

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